Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Snow Came.SnowCome.SnowyWinter.

IHANAA, LUNTA!<3 Aivan mahtava fiilis kyllä, kun on luntakin tullut. En malta oottaa jouluun. Anteeks etten oo kirjotellu mut on tollu kauheesti kaikkea hässäkkää ja kiipenäkin on tullut tossa noin makoiltuu, lupaan et päivitän useemmin blogia ja asu kuvia tulis enemmän, k? :) Tuntuu jo tosin aivan mahtavalta...  Pääsee heittelee lumipalloi ja rakentelee kaikkii ihanii lumilinnoi jne. JEBOUU ;) Haha, mut ei siin mitäää kyllähä se mulle käy ihan hyvin. Toi kylmyys vois olla vähä eri tasoo mut kai sen ny tän talven kestää! Jouluki on niiiiin lähellä jo että huhhuh, ihanaa kylläkin mutta tulee vähän kiire lahjojen hankintojen kanssa ja kaikkien asioiden kun kokeitaki on oikee urakalla tulossa :) Mutta mutta eipä se meitsiä hidasta ollenkaan. Värjäsin tuossa taannoin hiukset ja vannon et haluutte nähä ne ;) Kuvia kehiin.

That&#039;s me :) on Twitpic

That&#039;s me :) I luuvv my new hair � on Twitpic

Tuossa olisi sitten kuvia uusista hiuksist :) Pitäkää hauska ilta ja nauttikaa lumest puput, see ya!

Sorry but im way too exhausted to write in english :(

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Back To December

Anteeksi etten oo ollut pitkää aikaa, mutta kun on noita hommia sen verran ollut tuossa ja asioita on aika nopeasti tapahtunut ja sitten se on vaan jäänyt, siis tämä blogi, kirjoittelematta, mutta viikko on melkein lopuillaan (onneksi!). Aivan mahtava viikko ollut tosiaankin, niin ihania juttuja tapahtunut ja muuta. En ole ehtiny ottamaan paljonkaan asu kuvia, koska on ollut kiireitä ja unohtunutkin viel ottaa :s Oon tosi pahoillani, mutta mutta voisinha sitä laittaa jotain Halloween kuvia, että olisit sentäin jotain näin synkkään talveen vai noh syksyyn kenties? Ollaanha jo Marraskuussa, että sanoo sen miten sitten sanookin kukin itse :D Inhoon tota kylmyyttä ja pimeyttä tuolla ulkona, kun tuntuu jo kuudelta, että kello olisi 00.00 yöllä..... argh. RASITTAVAA! :D Toivottavasti teilläkin on mennyt hyvin tuo Halloween (mennyt) ja tämä viikko :) Tossa pari päivää tuli H&M:n tilaus, mahtavaa! Sain aivan ihanin paidan, joka on yks lemppareistani sitten toistan ;) haha. No mutta voi niitäkin kuvia sitten laittaa ja löysin aivan täydellisen pikkujuhla mekon, ahh se on must get-listalla <3 Laitan siitä sitten myöhemmin kuvan ja lisää tietoa. VinkVink.

In English:

Well well...It has been really busy week with all my school stuff. Argh, hate it absolutely. I've loved this week so much, it's just has been something adorable, i've got so many good news from my friends & family. This week has been felt so short but i kinda love it but it's so bizarre actually. I got my order from H&M few days ago. I just loved the clothes what i got from there, they're so beautifuls & totally my style but honestly one isn't so much but whatever i love it more than anything. It feels like it'd Friday today even thought it's not, what i hate. Did you had fun Halloween? I hope so 'cause i had, it was so full of life & some mistakes. I did so manyt good and mindless things but it was fun. I found a perfect christmas dress for me, it's so amazing... I MUST GET IT! and i will. Well i have to wait little moment but i know i'm gonna buy it 'cause it's so super cute and moder, not modern but i don't know how to describe it but anyways it's amazing. Sorry for not uploading photos of my outfits but i like i told i've been busy but next week i will add some photos of my outfits, i promise. I swear. We're back to december what i kinda love it but not so much! I hate it 'cause it's so cold and dark, i just hate it. We are so near of christmas, omg. I'm loving it. I can't wait 'til christmas. I will upload some photos of my Halloween :)

Clothes were bad but i wasn't so into clothes on that day yet... before the party started ;) haha.

You got the pictures now :)
 See you later luvies <3

Friday, October 22, 2010

You give me reason to party i'm gonna spend my money on you

Hey luvies :) It's Friday, FINALLY! I've waited this day like 100 years, jk. I had an amazing weeke even thou it was boring sometimes but it was good. I started German lessons, indepented. I'm learning German by ME ;) It'll so intresting. This day umm... it was good and so bad. Daddy got so limited of his emotions, he like screamed me so much because of a guy.Daddy arents just don't get it that someday i will get married, he will be so jealous i mean like bitter 'cause i'm not his girl anymore, I'm someone else's girl then but it's life. Just put the sauna on, an hour and i will be warm, bahaha. It's weekend and it's time to party again. Have a nice weekend babys :) I am so glad it rained snow today, i was so happy that even the teachers & friends couldn't understand. lol. Oh and my purchase of strike is going well, i haven't bought anything ;) I'm already so prouf of myself. Next photos of my todays' outfit...

Blazer by Esprit, White top by Gina Tricot, Jeans by Vila Clothes.
Heels by Ellos, The Belt by Zara.

Have a nice weekend, see you luvies! :)

Wednesday, October 20, 2010


I'm in english mood now ;) I promised to write in english to my friend so that he could understand too what i am writing to my blog but there will come days when i am too tired to write in english so no worries luvie, to anyone. This day was crappy... my hair was a mess so was my outfit too so i had no pictures of my outfit, sorry the disappointing :( I'll promise send you tomorrow photos of my outfit, okey? So did wishes came true today? 'Cause it was 20.10.2010! My awesome was messed. All my friends get mad at me and didn't talk to me, what a GREAT day. The school was crappy but the drama school. Gosh, i loved my time there again! :P I don't know what to write today but anyways tomorrow i will have more much telling about you 'cause i have some meetings on news and it's new day so that's why. Goodnight and Sweet Dreams babys.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

I need to be me.I don't need to be anyone else.It's me.It's real.

Hey guyss! :) Joo eilen tuli kirjotettuu enkuks :) Tänää postaan vaa kuvat kun on hieman kiirettä tässä noin, joten let's have some photos....

Neule Esprit.
Risti Antti Asplund
Korut Nomination & H&M
Laukku Louis Vuitton, kuului asuun :P

See you tomorrow luvies! I'll post more how i am and what i've done and stuff like that ;)

Monday, October 18, 2010

Jippkaijey tulin voittamaan enkä anna minkään estää ;)

Jes! Finally the winter is here, i've waited it for so longg. I can go out with warm jackets and eat hot-chocolate under my blanket but i still miss the fall when you can do it, when it rains so hard and you can cry and listen old songs when all were good, things weren't wrong at all. Everything was good, Were no heartbreaks or anything. There was just you and me and the winter. Okey, so this day amazing! I had fun at school but i really miss the vaca, gosh i got so mmuch good memories with my friends ;) Getting drunked and being wasted sounded good and it was pretty good, guess so. lol. Anyways, there's NO snow yet but i hope that the snow will be here soon so i can throw snow balls to my friends faces, badasses, jk. I love them :) I'll add some photos of my day outfit, it wasn't so good today :s but it was quit okey, guess. Here you go luvies ;) .....

Bought from H&M
Collar shirt LIND3X, T-Shirt H&M

Here you go! Some pictures FOR you :) See you tomorrow babys <3 [Sorry today i felt like, i'd write in english]

Sunday, October 17, 2010

I don't wanna let you go, I can hear angels singing.

JiapJiap. Sinne meni seki loma sitte :( Olis kyllä voinu jatkuu PALJON pidempään. Vika päivä lomasta onkin ollut hieman tylsempi, mutta eiköhän se tuosta parane kun lähtee Cheer-tanssiin. Ei sitä koskaan tiedä ;) Ei kyllä ole tulossa päivän asua, koska on sen verran rennot vaatteet päällä että ihan hävettää ;) Jotain kuvia on tulossa kaipa.No, mutta kirjoitellaan sitten huomenna taas uudestaanpi :) See you luvies <3
